Do video games have Positive impacts on Cognitive growth and health?

Video games have always gotten a bad rap by parents. Over the years, we have been told a lot about the disadvantages of playing video games. Where some of them are true, the recent researches prove most of them are just a myth besides having many negative impacts on mental and psychological health. Researchers have found a lot more positive impacts of video gaming.

According to a recent survey taken in China. Around 33.6% of school students alleged video games reduce stress and make them feel relaxed. How much authenticity does it have? What the recent researches unveil about the impact of video games on mental and psychological health?

And is it beneficial for a person’s cognitive health and growth? We are going to figure it out in just some minutes.

Video games improve critical thinking:

A research published at NCBI in 2019 clearly shows the positive results of gaming on a person’s critical thinking ability. The games, especially strategic and survival games, improve critical thinking ability. Due to the exercise in-game, the person can observe, speculate, and solve the problem quickly and better. In contrast, a non-gaming person was much reluctant and hesitant in making decisions.

Not only decisions but adequate decisions. The research concluded that the person’s decision after playing strategic games was 20% more accurate and correct than the other.

The researchers concluded. While playing such games, the player needs to make the most effective decisions in less time. So, he can win from the competitor, and he has to apply the same observations and speculations in the real-life conditions.

Playing video games promote happiness:

video games positive impact

The video game itself has a cheering factor, Especially when a person wins the game or defeats his enemy. So, whenever a person, especially stressed and depressed, plays a particular kind of game. So, in every round or shot, when he completes the target. The brain releases happy chemicals. Which directly reduces the effect of stress and depression.

Such results were only gained with specific kinds of games like shooting games. In comparison, the research didn’t find any sort of happy supplements to the brain through the strategy games.

So, those who feel stressed and tensed. The research recommends them to take a short game time, which includes easy-going games. So, that target could be easier to achieve. And as a result of target achievement. The person gets amused, and counters affect the anxiety.

Video games improve perceptual and attentional abilities:

Comprehensive research published in the American journal of play (AJP), Three researchers Adam Eichel Baum, Daphne Bavelier, and C. Shawn, researched many teenagers. That didn’t play video games.

And they were guided to play action games. The outcome showed apparent improvements in perceptual and attentional abilities. The players showed an impressively positive response after comparing the pre, and post experiments.

During games, the player needs to keep its focus on every aspect of the game. Moreover, he also tries to execute his technique to win the game quickly. So, this process uses the mind’s “prefrontal lobe” area to keep the attention focus. And avoid distractions.

Video games help in socializing:

For those who are hesitant and shy to meet people and share conversations, the video game can help them in socializing—and sharing personal thoughts independently. Currently, there is a new trend of communicational games. 

The two most famous are PUBG and Free Fire. In this type of game, players can communicate with one another. And take mutual decisions during play so that their group may win the round.

When playing games, the hesitant person communicates well in the game. This otherwise is pretty hard for him in the real world, but this practice gives him the strength and urges to go out. And confidently interact with people. And put their suggestions and thoughts clear.

Playing video games enhances children’s creativity:

Video games boost the learning and creativity of children. Research published by  American Psychological Association (APA) concluded. That providing a sustainable amount of gaming time may increase the creativity in the children.

Various sorts of games have different impacts on children’s’ mind. The survival and strategic games make them more creative by organizing them more defensive and robust against them.

Games also increase children’s learning ability because taking different approaches in the game and observing its result compel children to learn techniques quickly and execute them until it becomes successful.

What about the negative impacts?

Well, we all know the detrimental effects of video games on our daily lives. It reduces the children’s outdoor activity time. It reduces the release of grey matter in the brain. It results in the poor outcome of educational activities. Video games also increase aggressiveness. And it is responsible for the wrong attitude of the children.

It also leads to mental and health disorders. Many games promote violent behavior in children and make them moody. And most importantly, it could lead to game addiction. And most of the games are reported to be addictive.

But, but, there is a common factor between these adverse effects of video games. And that is the excessive amount of gaming. Right if you let your children, son, and daughter waste their time on gaming. So, this has devastating effects on mental, psychological, and physical health.

So, researchers put a lot of time to find the answer to the question. That how much time daily is beneficial for the cognitive growth of kids and teenagers?

The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) answer is quite explicit. According to research by Dr.Jesus Pujol. The screen time for kids shouldn’t be more than max 1 hour a day. And maximum 2 hours on free days.

Moreover, for a teenager, the gaming time should not exceed 10 hours a week. And exceeding this time can show harmful effects both on children and teenagers. Between this time frame, video games put good effects on the human brain and psychology.


These are some of the positive impacts of video games, which have been proved after a couple of research by experts. And over time, these improvements are further confirmed by recent researches and findings. However, parental inspection is much needed. 

Parents must strictly monitor their children’s gaming time so that they don’t become obsessed with gaming. And contrary to its disadvantageous outcomes, it could lead to children’s cognitive health and growth.

By Safar Ali

Safar Ali is an Entrepreneur, Marketer, and writer. He has been writing for more than three years. And his pieces have appeared on some of the high-authority sites, including HubSpot, Mashable,, Business Insider, TechCrunch, Makeuseof, CNET, and many more.

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